Mon 27 Jan
**Sexy (((TAN))) SLIM PLATINUM Barbie!! Elite High End Provider! $pecials!!! call now! - 22
(oakton va)
24/7All Night(!)GFE Asian &Ebony; MIXED Super Soaker I SEND PICS (!) SQU\RTER 80 80 80 PAINT MY FACE - 19
2 DAYS TANTRA/ Ejaculation Control/ Prostate Activation/ How To Please A Woman~Visiting from Cali~
(N Vir/Outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
**Sexy (((TAN))) SLIM PLATINUM Barbie!! Elite High End Provider! $pecials!!! call now! - 22
(oakton va)
Sat 11 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
----STOP NOW! ---- "LOOK4" SLIM---PRETTY HIGH CLASS BLONDE With Tan Lines &High; Heels- - STOP NOW- -
* HIGH QUALITY! * __ (( 1OO% REAL )) __ *:* *:* __ *:* H O T_ ~&~ Friendly - 21
Tue 07 Jan
Hot Little Sexy Thing Can't Get Enough !! PETITE BLOND Coming Back Into Town !!
(Springfield / Alexandria 395)
Mon 06 Jan
**Sexy (((TAN))) SLIM PLATINUM Barbie!! Elite High End Provider! new # 5715946878! Call now! - 22
(oakton va)
=NEW AD= = = ==2 GIRLS & 1 ALMOST Perfect Blonde In Heels & STOCKINGS* D & D FREE* ALL Nite Package= - 91
(Fort Belvoir not on base/NOVA/ DC)
♡☆Monroe's☆♡Erotic Nude Massages☆♡ Pampered with Pleasurable Releases ☆☆♡With A Touch Of Class♡☆ - 25
(Northern Virginia, (incall/outcall) 395/495)
°o ✰ o° ——— ——— (( ✰ New! Gorgeous Delightful Kamilla ✰ )) ——— ——— °o ✰ o° - 25
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Vienna, Private in Calls.)
**Sexy (((TAN))) SLIM PLATINUM Barbie!! Elite High End Provider! new # 5715946878! Call now! - 22
(oakton va)
=== =3 GIRLS =&==1 SLIM Almost Perfect Blonde N Heels & Stockings* D&D; Free* ASK 4 ALL NITE PACKAGE= - 81
(Fort Belvoir but not on base/dc/nova)
Sun 05 Jan
- -SLIM Ex-DOLL HOUSE DOLL- %100 Me & NO B.S- -Tan Lines--Nice Smile& No Tatts- D&D; Free- N&OUT; CALL
(6 min way frm mixing bowlNOVA/DC/SOME MD)
★ NeW *-:¦:-* ❤ *TOp* -:¦:- * NOtCH * -:¦:- PeTiTe ❤ *-:¦:-* ★ - 21
(All over VA in/out calls)
★ViP★TOdAY's YouR LuCKy DAY }★★YouR ExOtIC BlONdE BoMBSHeLL ★★ iS HeRe ★★CoMe OvEr and PLaY Now★viP★ - 23
★ NeW *-:¦:-* ❤ *TOp* -:¦:- * NOtCH * -:¦:- PeTiTe ❤ *-:¦:-* ★ - 21
(All over VA in/out calls)
=== = 2GIRLS =&==1 SLIM Almost Perfect Blonde N Heels & Stockings* D&D; Free* ASK 4 ALL NITE PACKAGE= - 90
(FT. BELVOIR but not on base /NOVA /DC/MD)
Sat 04 Jan
❌❌❌PARTY TIME❗️💎 100% Authentic ProvideR Unforgettabl€ 5☆CompanioN 👌🍭Private and Discreet💖🍭 - 25
(Northern Virginia, VISITING,ALEXANDRIA, 10 minutes from DC,)
💋SweeT as HeAvEn🍭 Hot as🔥DoMiniCaN 🔥BoRn to TeAsE 💋TaUgHt to PlZ 💯 Incalls - 24
(District Of Columbia, Dc incalls, dc outcalls)
- -SLIM Ex-DOLL HOUSE DOLL- %100 Me & NO B.S- -Tan Lines--Nice Smile& No Tatts- D&D; Free- N&OUT; CALL - 98
(6 min way frm mixing bowlNOVA/DC/SOME MD)
24/7All Night(!)GFE Asian &Ebony; MIXED Super Soaker I SEND PICS (!) SQU\RTER 80 80 80 PAINT MY FACE - 19
Hot Little Sexy Thing Can't Get Enough !! PETITE BLOND Coming Back Into Town !!
(Springfield / Alexandria 395)
★ViP★TOdAY's YouR LuCKy DAY }★★YouR ExOtIC BlONdE BoMBSHeLL ★★ iS HeRe ★★CoMe OvEr and PLaY Now★viP★ - 23
❌❌❌PARTY TIME❗️💎 100% Authentic ProvideR Unforgettabl€ 5☆CompanioN 👌🍭Private and Discreet💖🍭 - 25
(Northern Virginia, VISITING,ALEXANDRIA, 10 minutes from DC,)
- -SLIM Ex-DOLL HOUSE DOLL- %100 Me & NO B.S- -Tan Lines--Nice Smile& No Tatts- D&D; Free- N&OUT; CALL
(6 min way frm mixing bowlNOVA/DC/SOME MD)
==SLIM= Tan Lines= Hot Blonde N High Heels =No Tatts= D&D; FREE =NO DRAMA ,B.S OR NASTY HERE=N&OUTCAL;
(6 mins. away frm mixxing bowl/NOVA/DC/MD)
Fri 03 Jan
*..* with a ChOcOlAtE sEnSuAl (C)(U)(T)(I)(E) with the big (B)(O)(O)(T)(Y) 80HH SpEcIaL - 29
BRAND NEW! As Seen On HBO Super Hooker & Living Legend 80RR-28-48 Big Busty Vanessa Is Here!
(Alexandria-Georgetown Area)
°o ✰ o° ——— ✰ AmAZiNg SeXy FLirTaTiouS GIrLS New in ToWn! ✰ ——— °o ✰ - 25
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax Private in Calls.)
** Sexy (((TAN))) Barbie! Intro Packages starting @ $! Elite High End Provider! Call ME!** - 22
- -SLIM Ex-DOLL HOUSE DOLL- %100 Me & NO B.S- -Tan Lines--Nice Smile& No Tatts- D&D; Free- N&OUT; CALL - 98
(6 min way frm mixing bowlNOVA/DC/SOME MD)
Alice here💋 Let Me BE YouR WONDERLAND💋👅🎉 - 22
(Manassas and surrounding out calls, Northern Virginia)
♡☆Monroe's☆♡Erotic Nude Massages☆♡ Pampered with Pleasurable Releases ☆☆♡With A Touch Of Class♡☆ - 25
(Northern Virginia, (incall/outcall) 395/495)
Thu 02 Jan
==SLIM= Tan Lines= Hot Blonde N High Heels =No Tatts= D&D; FREE =NO DRAMA ,B.S OR NASTY HERE=N&OUTCAL;
(6 mins. away frm mixxing bowl/NOVA/DC/MD)
Highly Reviewed 36 DD, Blonde~TANTRA ~ Last For Hrs/How To Please A Woman - 35
(Northern Virginia, NOVA)
Nurture Your Mind Body & Spirit , Learn Control, 36DD TANTRA Goddess, Highly ReviewedTil 8/12 - 34
(Northern Virginia, NOVA)
=== =3 GIRLS =&==1 SLIM Almost Perfect Blonde N Heels & Stockings* D&D; Free* ASK 4 ALL NITE PACKAGE= - 81
(Fort Belvoir but not on base/dc/nova)
°o ✰ o° ——— ✰ AmAZiNg SeXy FLirTaTiouS GIrLS New in ToWn! ✰ ——— °o ✰ - 25
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax Private in Calls.)